I woke up to see 35!! As early as 12 years old, I didn’t think I’d be around to see this age. Time & Christ heal & each year I’ve learned to hold on to life a little tighter. So few things are what I dreamed they’d be at 35. I’m not anywhere near the financially stable, settled in a career, independent living, wife & mother I thought & prayed I’d be by now. So, there’s a grief there that I allow myself to feel & acknowledge as needed. Before I went to bed last night, I gave myself that space (as I often do!).
HOWEVER COMMA… I take tremendous joy in the life that I authentically live. For me, there’s freedom in not pretending. The older I get, the easier it gets to stay in MY lane & make the choices that make ME happy & content. Don’t you hate when you do or say things that leave you cracking behind that fake smile? Even worse, that ick you have towards yourself when you broke a personal promise to self & didn’t follow your first mind? Yea, less & less of that, please!
Anyway, at 35 years old, I am so rich in friendship, I have the blessing of supportive parents & some extended family, & I’ve been blessed with a sense of humor that feeds me just as much as it does those who get it. I’m convinced that life is for the LIVING! I’m not waiting on things to be checked off a list before I choose to live & have my version of adventure. I’m gonna wear the outfit, take the trip, play with fire (), tell people I love them, fail & try again, fight for hope, cling to optimism, and LAUGH!
God of heaven & earth, creator of the universe & me, the lover of friends & enemies… to my constant lifter, THANK YOU! Thank you for how you’ve made me. I know you’re preparing me & vindication will come. I’ll see your goodness in the land of the living! Thanks for 35!