Welcome Back!

Hi! There’s a huge gap in the timeline of updating this blog so, let’s catch up a bit.

2020 gave us a pandemic, turbo racism, political mayhem, shattering deaths, & deep dives for silver linings & hope. For me, 2020 ended in a very meh way & 2021 began in much the same. I now find myself in a place of reckoning with who & what I am. Some stuff I hate, a lot of things I love. So, how am I holding up? Let’s get into it.

To put things in an oversimplified way, I’m not ok; but I know I will be. I quit a dead end job back in November & haven’t found a new gig as of yet, but something will turn up soon. Not working & dodging these COVID streets has left me a lot of time to just deal & reckon. My resolve is to be to myself what I’ve been to others. 

From politics to friendships & family, a lot happens around me that I have zero control over. It’s exhausting for an empath & helper like myself. Right now the answer for me is to just unplug and quiet myself. Some days I feel like fragile glass or like I’m screaming into a cup because so much is swirling in my heart and mind. My bandwidth for things outside of my responsibility for self is very, very low. It’s weird for me but it’s a necessary adjustment for now. 

If you know me personally, be patient with me. Hope with me. I don’t want to get back to normal. I want to get to better & it may take a while. As I’m mending & acquainting, I do want to invest in some creative things that I’ve ignored & writing is one of them. Here’s to more uncomfortable honesty in 2021!

Oh, here’s a treat! Jac Ross is singing my life with his words in his cover of The Animals’ “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” and the gorgeously vulnerable “Saved”…here ya’ll go!

3 Replies to “Welcome Back!”

  1. So glad to see you back in action! Please believe this level of transparency and honesty is needed and of course – you are not alone! Can’t wait to read your next posts! 💜 (Proud of you)

  2. This blog reminds me of Chan Chan’s album #Feelings.
    Sis it’s ok to not be ok as Chan sang … yes Sang about.
    This is so good.

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